Colorado Canyons Association

Restoring our beautiful state and doing clean-up projects are no strangers to the Colorado Canyons Association. Focusing on the Western Slope, CCA is at the forefront of maintaining our region and keeping it clean for years to come.

Whether you want to teach people about conservation, monitor trails, or supervise a river you can volunteer for Colorado Canyons Association anytime. Volunteers are always needed and make a huge difference. As the saying goes – many hands make light work, so offer your free time today to help better and uphold our local outdoors.
Volunteer here:

CCA offers several different options for education. A quick educational field trip or a paleontology tour, they are determined to educate everyone all about Colorado. This year they have been able to take almost 1,000 students into the National Conservation Areas on the Western Slope. That is a large number and continues to grow. Educating the youth about preservation and maintenance of the area is necessary to keep our territory intact. Sign up today to learn how you can contribute to a picturesque Colorado!
Please feel free to contact Colorado Canyons Association by phone (970-263-7902) or email

CCA is hard at work constantly cleaning up after the not so pleasant visitors in our area. Whether it is graffiti, trash, or cleaning up tamarisk, they schedule many occasions to bring Western Colorado back to its original glory. Volunteers unite to clean trash along rivers, canyons, and recreational areas. Do your part by leaving any area you visit in our state the way you found it! That means no littering, no vandalism, and if you find something, report it or clean it up. Many locals will pick up trash if they see it outdoors and that is a wonderful way to keep our community clean! If you would like to assist in the next cleanup, email Ryan at to sign up. It is scheduled for this Saturday, July 14th along the Gunnison River.

Colorado Canyons Association is making a huge impact on the state of our lands. A non-profit, non-partisan, volunteer organization that is certainly doing all they can and can always use assistance. With the help of many local businesses, they continue to strive in their management of the Western Slope, but volunteers make the difference! So sign up today or visit their website to learn more.