Nonprofit Spotlight: HomewardBound of the Grand Valley
Did you know that families make up 34% of the homeless in America? HomewardBound has made it their mission to help these families in many different ways in our Grand Junction community. HomewardBound is a 501(c)(3) public charity that "strengthens Mesa County by providing critical housing, compassionate services and safe shelter for individuals and families." This looks like a homeless shelter, coaching and support for governmental benefits and individuals seeking employment, The Phoenix Project which has 8 apartments that veterans can live in as they work to gain independence, vocational training in culinary arts, a medical day shelter, and the Winter Overflow Shelter program.
There are many ways for you to get involved with HomewardBound. One way they are currently seeking help is donations for their Pathways Family Shelter. Last year, HomewardBound assisted 43 families, however this is just a fraction of the homeless families in Western Colorado. The Pathways Family Shelter is hoping to start accepting occupants in the late summer of 2019. There will be 80 beds as well as a 4 bed medical center, commercial kitchen, 9 full bathrooms and showers, an indoor play area and library for children, adult study areas, and so much more. Learn more about this amazing project here.
If you would like to help in a different way, they are always looking for monthly supporters as well as vital goods and volunteers. If you would like to stay up-to-date with HomewardBound, please follow them on Instagram or Facebook.
We are so thankful for this wonderful organization and the support they provide to individuals in our community.