After Christmas Detox

When it comes to the holidays, it's incredibly easy to fall short of your dieting goals. There are plenty of ways to get rid of those cookie and sweet dessert toxins. The tips below are easy, and will help you jumpstart into the New Year.
Between all pf the Christmas cocktails, hot cocoa, and soda, it may seem impossible to get your daily dose of water. (Doctors say to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water: i.e, if you weight 150lbs, you should drink 75 oz of water daily. Fluids are one of the most important parts of detoxing your body. Every morning, start your day with a water cup of water with a slice of lemon. Your can do this warm or cold. Lemons are widely known for helping to flush toxins from the body.
Another great way to detox is to make sure that your digestive tract is healthy and ready to go. A healthy digestive tract also helps flush toxins quickly out of your system. The most popular way to do this is with a natural cleanse. These can typically be taken in pill form, and help push a substantial amount of waste out of your body usually within 1 day.
Another option is to try your hand at a green smoothie. Kale, spinach, blueberries, avocados, flax seed & chia seeds are chock full of nutrients, and filling too! Add in a little flavored protein powder and/or honey if you've got a sweet tooth.
Aside from eating unhealthy food, you may have forgotten your daily vitamins. Start again as soon as possible,
For those that have never taken a multi-vitamin, head to your local health food store (Vitamin Cottage & Sprouts are great options) and look for those that have Omegas 3's, biotin, and vitamin C.
You knew we were going to say it, didn't you?! Yes, detox will cleanse your body from unwanted pollutants, but it won't get rid of accumulated fat. This is where exercise comes into play, and will become your new best friend. 30 minutes a day on the treadmill or weight set will help you tone, and feel less guilty about those holiday treats.
Detoxes may sound like a difficult thing to accomplish, but we promise they are incredibly easy and doable. Lots of water, green smoothies, vitamins, and exercise and within a few days your skin will be healthier, your sleep will be deeper, and your outlook will be brighter.